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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 18

Question. Memory organization in which users write programs in modules with different characteristics.
(A) Physical
(B) Logical
(C) Structural
(D) Simple
Answer : Logical

1 set args without arguments can ___________
2 Packet switching was invented in?
3 A text file that contains our program is called as __________
4 A term used in the context of web design to suggest the path that user takes while browsing a website.
5 A valid variable declaration in FORTRAN is __________
6 Which of the following is known as the language made up of binary-coded instructions?
7 A symbol used for grouping.
8 DNS stands for?
9 In the instruction ADD A, B, the answer gets stored in ___________
10 In this type of cloud, the cloud is composed of multiple internal or external cloud.
11 Wearable computing device in the form of computerized eyeglasses.
12 MOM stands for?
13 Rotation of the disk must vary __________ with the radius of the disk.
14 CAD stands for?
15 They can operate on batteries and hence are very popular with travelers.
16 CPU has built-in ability to execute a particular set of machine instructions, called as __________
17 . Who is the father of Computers?
18 A logical structure of the database.
19 A unique piece of information that is used in encryption.
20 JVM stands for?
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