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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 20

Question. Any program, no matter how small, occupies an entire partition. This is called _____________
(A) fragmentation
(B) prior fragmentation
(C) internal fragmentation
(D) external fragmentation
Answer : internal fragmentation

1 Which of the following is the fastest means of memory access for CPU?
2 A unique piece of information that is used in encryption.
3 The decimal equivalent of (0.101)2 will be ____________
4 The IEEE standard followed by almost all the computers for floating point arithmetic _____
5 Which of the following is known as the language made up of binary-coded instructions?
6 They can operate on batteries and hence are very popular with travelers.
7 Spreadsheets cannot
8 The time that depends on the input: an already sorted sequence that is easier to sort.
9 Brain of computer is ____________
10 What are the entities whose values can be changed called?
11 This is not a part of the signing on the procedure.
12 A type of testing that is conducted at the software interface.
13 A stage in which individual components are integrated and ensured that they are error-free to meet customer requirements.
14 Virtual Memory can be implemented via __________
15 Another name for white-box testing is ___________
16 __________ is used to shift processes so they are contiguous and all free memory is in one block.
17 In image analysis, this part refers to objects represented within the image, which may signify to us because of, for example, their symbolic power or because of their composition in relation to each other.
18 A concern of authentication that deals with user rights.
19 The transfer between CPU and Cache is ______________
20 A technique that can be a solution to the problem of synchronizing data sources.
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