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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 20

Question. ___________ itself is a file owned by the operating system
(A) Logical file
(B) Record
(C) Database
(D) Directory
Answer : Directory

1 A plug and play storage device that simply plugs in the port of a computer is __________
2 One nibble is equivalent to how many bits?
3 The program written by the programmer in high level language is called _____________
4 Select the incorrect option:
5 Each byte of character is stored as its ASCII value in _______
6 A network comprising o multiple topologies.
7 The protocol designed to make the security of wireless LAN as good as that of wired LAN.
8 Secondary memory is the long term store for programs and data while main memory holds program and data currently in use. What kind of an organization is this?
9 ISP is?
10 Set of a program which consists of full documentation.
11 Number of regions of the disk in a UNIX files management system.
12 The binary number 1110 in hexadecimal format is _____________
13 Files that maintain the hierarchical structure of the file system.
14 Express the decimal format of the signed binary number (101010)2 .
15 Separation of user logical memory and physical memory is ___________
16 The numbers used to represent numeric values in EBCDIC are _______
17 Which of the following device use positional notation to represent a decimal number?
18 Another name for white-box testing is ___________
19 The performance of an agent can be improved based on this.
20 What does b represent in a processor wait ratio?
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