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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 23

Question. A ______________is an application that allows the user to compose and edit simple documents.
(A) Word processor
(B) Spreadsheet
(C) Email utility
(D) Browsers
Answer : Word processor

1 Which of the following is not a point-and-draw device?
2 The 10 s complement of 455 is _________
3 A step in waterfall model that involves a meeting with the customer to understand the requirements
4 Which of the following should describe the technical terms used in the document?
5 MCTI stands for Mobile community ________ inventory.
6 In the instruction ADD A, B, the answer gets stored in ___________
7 What does PC stand for?
8 _______________ is the assembly language for an imaginary architecture.
9 What is the location of the internal registers of CPU?
10 If you are given a word of size n bits the range of 2s complement of binary numbers is ________
11 ______________ keep track of position.
12 API is?
13 __________________ is a straightforward method of representing positive and negative numbers.
14 Which of the following holds the last instruction fetched?
15 A person who enjoys learning details about computers and how to enhance their capabilities.
16 A data structure that follows the FIFO principle.
17 In ____________ mapping, the data can be mapped anywhere in the Cache Memory
18 What does EBCDIC stand for?
19 Which of the following is not a decimal number?
20 A circuitry that processes that responds to and processes the basic instructions that are required to drive a computer system is ________
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