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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 21

Question. Which of the following isn’t a part of a spreadsheet?
(A) row number
(B) column number
(C) column letter
(D) cell address
Answer : column number

1 The representation of the number 8 in binary in ASCII-8 format _________
2 A set of activities that ensure that software correctly implements a specific function.
3 A software that can be freely accessed and modified.
4 A malicious code hidden inside a seemingly harmless piece of code.
5 In the instruction ADD A, B, the answer gets stored in ___________
6 PDA stands for?
7 The word ____________comes from the name of a Persian mathematician Abu Ja’far Mohammed ibn-i Musa al Khowarizmi.
8 The statement that tells the computer to get a value from an input device and store it in a memory location.
9 Which of the following invention gave birth to the much cheaper microcomputers?
10 A speech synthesis model which tries to model the human speech production mechanisms is _________
11 A computer language that is written in binary codes only is _____
12 A data structure that follows the FIFO principle.
13 Which of the following is not a downside of OSS?
14 ____________ is one or more physically contiguous pages.
15 A term for simultaneous access to a resource, physical or logical.
16 A process selects a replacement frame from the set of all frames.
17 Which of the following is the correct representation for a storage capacity of a tape?
18 A circuitry that processes that responds to and processes the basic instructions that are required to drive a computer system is ________
19 A graphics method in which one object is transformed into another.
20 What is the full form of CPU?
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