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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 22

Question. The actual content in the database at a particular point.
(A) Schema
(B) Attribute
(C) Parameter
(D) Instance
Answer : Instance

1 A model developed by Hammer and Mc Leod in 1981.
2 Which of the following is a technique that marked the beginning of computer communications?
3 Causing the CPU to step through a series of micro operations is called _________
4 WDM stands for?
5 Which of the following is the correct representation of a binary number?
6 The octal equivalent of 1100101.001010 is ______
7 An internet service that allows the user to move a file.
8 Word length of a personal computer ___________
9 Which of the following are the input devices that enable direct data entry into a computer system from source documents?
10 __________ is used to shift processes so they are contiguous and all free memory is in one block.
11 A topology that involves Tokens.
12 An international research effort to promote autonomous robots
13 Which of the following holds the last instruction fetched?
14 set args without arguments can ___________
15 The ___________ layer, which provides the interface that client and server application objects use to interact with each other.
16 A type of non-monotonic reasoning.
17 An algorithm in encryption is called _____________
18 The range of access times of optical disks is generally ______
19 _______ searches for smallest block. The fragment left behind is small as possible.
20 RMI uses stub and skeleton for communication with the ________ object.
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