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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 117

Question. Which of the following is not an object-based logical model?
(A) ER
(B) Network
(C) Semantic
(D) Functional
Answer : Network

1 In this technique, there is no direct contact between users and their programs during execution.
2 Which of the following is incorrect?
3 A multiplexing technique based on sampling.
4 These ciphers replace a character or characters with a different character or characters, based on some key.
5 Which of the following is not an open source software?
6 What are the entities whose values can be changed called?
7 The process of forming a new class from an existing class.
8 Many time slots are wasted in __________
9 In this type of VR environment, the subjects can perform both in the real and virtual environment.
10 Interpreter is used as a translator for __________
11 Which of the following invention gave birth to the much cheaper microcomputers?
12 Richard Stallman from MIT, established a special license, the ________ license.
13 Any computer that can access the server is called?
14 Which of the following is not a binary number?
15 Which of the following is not a type of optical disk?
16 The probability that a software application is operating according to requirements at a given point in time.
17 Packet switching was invented in?
18 In a spreadsheet, letters are used to represent _____________
19 When access is granted to append or update a file to more than one user, the OS or file management system must enforce discipline. This is _________
20 A communication between a computer and a keyboard involves ____________ duplex transmission
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