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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 15

Question. IMS stands for?
(A) Information Mastering System
(B) Instruction Management System
(C) Instruction Manipulating System
(D) Information Management System
Answer : Information Management System

1 Line Printers that print one line at a time are _________
2 Which of the following is not a type of computer on the basis of operation?
3 The word ____________comes from the name of a Persian mathematician Abu Ja’far Mohammed ibn-i Musa al Khowarizmi.
4 The web works on this model.
5 A small data file in the browser.
6 Which of the following is the first neural network computer?
7 The segment containing data values passed to functions and procedures within the program.
8 A hardware based system that has autonomy, social ability and reactivity.
9 An expression for the calculation of cyclomatic complexity.
10 Configuration where many independent computer systems are connected.
11 The number of values a function can return at a time?
12 A term used in the context of web design to suggest the path that user takes while browsing a website.
13 Packet switching was invented in?
14 SQL is _______
15 A program created by Farmer and Venema for auditing capability.
16 The operation represented by parallelograms.
17 This is not a part of the signing on the procedure.
18 Memory organization in which users write programs in modules with different characteristics.
19 A document that specifies how many times and with what data the program must be run in order to thoroughly test it.
20 A graphics method in which one object is transformed into another.
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