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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 19

Question. A term that refers to the way in which the nodes of a network are linked together.
(A) network
(B) topology
(C) connection
(D) interconnectivity
Answer : topology

1 Convert (6532)8 to hexadecimal
2 Object=_________+relationships.
3 Size of the ________ memory mainly depends on the size of the address bus.
4 Processor which is complex and expensive to produce is ________
5 Memory organization in which users write programs in modules with different characteristics.
6 A program that reads each of the instructions in mnemonic form and translates it into the machine-language equivalent.
7 Packet switching was invented in?
8 For voice, each channel contains a ___ word of digitized data
9 What does MBR stand for?
10 CISC stands for ____________
11 A printer that prints one line at a time and has a predefined set of characters is called _______
12 The purpose of communication system is to transfer information from _______ to the destination
13 The dots on the magnetic tape represent ________
14 A procedural programming follows ___________ approach.
15 The number of sign bits in a 32-bit IEEE format is ____
16 Which of the following is not a character of the digit 1110?
17 What does EBCDIC stand for?
18 Express the ASCII equivalent of the signed binary number (00110010)2.
19 The only language which the computer understands is ______________
20 He made the first animated film in 1906.
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