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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 18

Question. A technique that can be a solution to the problem of synchronizing data sources.
(A) framing
(B) data link control
(C) full link control
(D) pulse stuffing
Answer : pulse stuffing

1 A flowchart that outlines the main segments of a program.
2 The probability of failure-free operation of a software application in a specified environment for a specified time.
3 Which is not an objective of network security?
4 Assembler is used as a translator for?
5 When access is granted to append or update a file to more than one user, the OS or file management system must enforce discipline. This is _________
6 Whenever the data is found in the cache memory it is called as _________
7 The idea of _________is central to understanding the production of meaning through texts.
8 Which of the following is not a function of the Output Unit?
9 Processor wait ratio is given by ________
10 ARPANET stands for?
11 HMD stands for?
12 Brain of computer is ____________
13 The users must agree to the _______ terms and agreements when they use an open source software.
14 Which of the following is not a cloud stakeholder?
15 A change in the appearance of a value or label in a cell.
16 A tag similar to that of the bold tag.
17 Incorporating changes in an existing system to enhance update or upgrade its features.
18 In this type of cloud, the cloud is composed of multiple internal or external cloud.
19 The binary number 111 in octal format is ________________
20 Convert the binary equivalent 10101 to its decimal equivalent.
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