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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 17

Question. A system in which two channels are dedicated to transfer data
(A) TV
(B) Cable
(C) Modem
(D) Cable modem
Answer : Cable modem

1 The generation based on VLSI microprocessor.
2 A set of hard disk drives with a controller mounted in a single box, forming a single large storage unit is ____________
3 Speech Synthesis method based on the generation of periodic and non-periodic signals is ____________
4 This cycle, of going through __________ states of running and input/output, may be repeated over and over until the job is completed.
5 The octal equivalent of the binary number (0010010100)2 is ______________
6 The signed magnitude for -3 will be ___________
7 The 9’s complement of 6578 is ___________
8 What is the location of the internal registers of CPU?
9 What is the full form of TTS?
10 The 1’s complement of 1 in 4 bits is __________
11 What is the hexadecimal equivalent of the digit 9?
12 Interpreter is used as a translator for __________
13 A process of making the encrypted text readable again.
14 The dots on the magnetic tape represent ________
15 The action performed by a ___________ structure must eventually cause the loop to terminate.
16 A printer that prints one line at a time and has a predefined set of characters is called _______
17 An example of FDM:
18 Set of a program which consists of full documentation.
19 Which of the following is independent of the address bus?
20 Which of the following is a loop statement?
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