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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 23

Question. A transmission that generally involves dedicated circuits.
(A) simplex
(B) half duplex
(C) full duplex
(D) semi-duplex
Answer : simplex

1 Which of the following is a technique that marked the beginning of computer communications?
2 ____________ storage is a system where a robotic arm will connect or disconnect off-line mass storage media according to the computer operating system demands.
3 A Borland Turbo Assembler.
4 A method used to temporarily release time for other threads.
5 What is the hexadecimal equivalent of the digit 9?
6 The devices that used to give single or multiple colored images and drawings are ____________
7 Binary addition of 1 + 1 gives the result _____________
8 The hex representation for F is _______________
9 PDAs are also called?
10 When an algorithm is written in the form of a programming language, it becomes a _________
11 The location of file is determined by ________
12 A circuitry that processes that responds to and processes the basic instructions that are required to drive a computer system is ________
13 Which of the following is the fastest means of memory access for CPU?
14 The time that depends on the input: an already sorted sequence that is easier to sort.
15 Which of the following isn’t a characteristic of High level languages?
16 Several instructions execution simultaneously in _________
17 What is the location of the internal registers of CPU?
18 Components that operate at the network layer of the OSI model.
19 A technique in which a program attacks a network by exploiting IP broadcast addressing operations
20 _________________ defines the assigned ordering among the characters used by the computer.
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