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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 39

Question. Any computer that can access the server is called?
(A) Web Server
(B) Web Browser
(C) User
(D) Web Client
Answer : Web Client

1 SLAM stands for?
2 GKS stands for?
3 A step in waterfall model that involves a meeting with the customer to understand the requirements
4 The father of ioT.
5 _______ is part of user documentation.
6 Execution of several activities at the same time.
7 A concept that contains rhythm of speech, stress patterns and intonation is ________
8 In both signed magnitude and 2’s complement , positive and negative numbers are separated using ______________
9 Java extension used in threads?
10 Which of the following package allows individuals to use personal computers for storing and retrieving their personal information?
11 ______________ architecture provides a high-level overview of the anticipated system architecture.
12 The ______level helps application programs hide the details of data types.
13 A topology that involves Tokens.
14 For voice, each channel contains a ___ word of digitized data
15 What is the full form of FSM?
16 The EBCDIC value of the number 345 in zoned format is __________
17 >> operator is used to denote _________
18 Which of the following is not involved in working of IoT?
19 What is the default value of accumulator in booths multiplication of two 4-bit binary numbers?
20 Which of the following is known as the language made up of binary-coded instructions?
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