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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 19

Question. This determines the type of protocol to be used.
Answer :

1 Which of the following is not a type of optical disk?
2 _____________ are identified by their addresses, we give them names (field names / variable names) using words.
3 What does b represent in a processor wait ratio?
4 Allocated size of a file comes under?
5 Which of the following is the first neural network computer?
6 The program written by the programmer in high level language is called _____________
7 _________ are the web-based interactive applications to express and share your ideas and thoughts with interested people.
8 Which of the following processor has a fixed length of instructions?
9 Binary addition of 1 + 1 gives the result _____________
10 A simple notation for the representation of control flow.
11 __________ represents a particular instance of a class.
12 A technique of transmitting data or images or videos (information) using a continuous signal
13 Files that maintain the hierarchical structure of the file system.
14 Magnetic tape is a type of _________ access device.
15 An individual who plans and directs the work.
16 SDLC stands for ________
17 Which of the following is not a way of acquiring software?
18 The ability for programmers to use the same written and debugged existing class.
19 Which of the following is the correct definition of Computer?
20 The two types of ASCII are _____________ and ____________
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