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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 30

Question. TCP stands for?
(A) Transmission control program
(B) Transmission control protocol
(C) Transfer control program
(D) Transfer control protocol
Answer : Transmission control protocol

1 A _______ can be recorded using a normal light source.
2 DES stands for?
3 Which of the following is not a part of the program division in COBOL?
4 An expression for the calculation of cyclomatic complexity.
5 MIPS stands for?
6 The operation that does not involves clock cycles is ____________
7 A type of VR environment in which subjects are visually isolated from the real environment.
8 The typical value of data transfer rate is __________
9 Tape drive is connected to and controlled by _______
10 Which of these is a part of network identification?
11 The zone of alphabetic characters from A to O in ASCII is _____________
12 The process in which a file is partitioned into smaller parts and different parts are stored in different disks is ____________
13 For voice, each channel contains a ___ word of digitized data
14 Components that operate at the network layer of the OSI model.
15 In public key cryptography, a key that decrypts the message.
16 Anonymous FTP files are called ___________ accessible files.
17 The number of characters/second that can be transmitted to the memory from the tape is denoted by the term.
18 Computer has a built-in system clock that emits millions of regularly spaced electric pulses per _____ called clock cycles.
19 Storage of firmware is ___________
20 To speed up the processor operations, the processor includes some internal memory storage locations, called ___________
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