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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 34

Question. Anonymous FTP files are called ___________ accessible files.
(A) Privately
(B) Publicly
(C) Batch
(D) User
Answer : Publicly

1 NE stands for __________ element.
2 Two or three characters appended to relative filename separated by a period.
3 Collect->Communicate->__________->Act
4 Which of the following is not involved in DBMS?
5 JIT stands for?
6 ______________ leads to concurrency.
7 CISC stands for ____________
8 MAR stands for ___________
9 What is the high speed memory between the main memory and the CPU called?
10 Which of the following is not an advantage of a flowchart?
11 The placement of information within a cell at the left edge, right edge, or centered is
12 The architecture that uses a tighter coupling between the compiler and the processor is ____________
13 A _______ is a connector showing the relationship between the representative shapes.
14 ____________ creates an inferior process that runs your program.
15 The memory unit is made up of _____ bytes.
16 ________________ is a paradigm of distributed computing to provide the customers on-demand, utility based computing service.
17 Rotation of the disk must vary __________ with the radius of the disk.
18 ASCII stands for _____________________
19 Binary Coding for the letter X is ______________
20 RFID stands for?
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