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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 25

Question. A network that links many different types of computers all over the world.
(A) Intranet
(B) Internet
(C) Arpanet
Answer : Internet

1 ______________ are used for solving complex application such as Global Weather Forecasting.
2 Which of the following is the fastest means of memory access for CPU?
3 Process of evaluating a system to verify whether or not it is meeting its objectives.
4 The maximum number of bits sufficient to represent an octal number in binary is _______
5 The 2’s complement of 15 is ____________
6 Interpreter is used as a translator for __________
7 The web works on this model.
8 The customer requirements are broken down into logical modules for ease of _______________
9 A term that refers to the way in which the nodes of a network are linked together.
10 __________ is used to shift processes so they are contiguous and all free memory is in one block.
11 A model developed by Hammer and Mc Leod in 1981.
12 A programming technique in which the focus is on doing things.
13 An internet service that allows the user to move a file.
14 Which of the following is often called the double precision format?
15 An approach that designs test cases by looking at the allowable data values.
16 ULSI stands for?
17 The EBCDIC is mainly used in ___________
18 This part of image analysis refers to those primary signs, often part of the technique of photography, which are about how the image is made.
19 Graphic object composed of patterns of lines, points, circles etc.
20 The rate at which the problem size need to be increased to maintain efficiency.
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