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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 24

Question. Name of the first animation film.
(A) Humorous Phases of Funny Faces
(B) Tom and Jerry
(C) Mickey Mouse
(D) How i learnt animations
Answer : Humorous Phases of Funny Faces

1 Which of the following is a myth in testing?
2 A middleware layer between the stub skeleton and transport.
3 Which of the following is the correct abbreviation of COMPUTER?
4 CPU has built-in ability to execute a particular set of machine instructions, called as __________
5 MOM stands for?
6 PNG is a _________
7 The result obtained on subtraction using 2s complement of 1111-0010 will be _________
8 Which are the input devices that enable direct data entry into a computer system from source documents?
9 Which of the following is not a type of computer code?
10 The EBCDIC is mainly used in ___________
11 An electronic document that establishes your credentials when you are performing transactions.
12 A ___________________ monitor looks like a television and are normally used with non-portable computer systems.
13 Several instructions execution simultaneously in ________________
14 Process of evaluating a system to verify whether or not it is meeting its objectives.
15 ULSI stands for?
16 CHAP stands for?
17 An interface that is implemented while using threads.
18 What is the full form of SAMPA?
19 Another notation for exponentiation.
20 The formal grammar rules governing the construction of valid instruction.
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