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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 26

Question. A device produces an illusion of movement from a rapid succession of static pictures.
(A) Zoetrope
(B) Thaumatrope
(C) Phenakistoscope
Answer : Phenakistoscope

1 Any set of digits or alphabets are generally referred as ______________
2 FTP stands for?
3 A serially connected system of all the hubs of networks.
4 The process of verifying the identity of a user.
5 A type of parallelism that uses micro architectural techniques.
6 The first neural network computer.
7 Most of the cloud architectures are built on this type of architecture.
8 ___________ itself is a file owned by the operating system
9 The instructions that tell the assembler what to do.
10 Single Precision format comprises of _________ bits.
11 ___________________ is designed to solve a specific problem or to do a specific task.
12 The octal equivalent of the binary number (0010010100)2 is ______________
13 Convert (52)16 into its decimal equivalent.
14 The first widely-used high level language developed in 1957.
15 The architecture that uses a tighter coupling between the compiler and the processor is ____________
16 PDA stands for?
17 Which of the following is created when a user opens an account in the computer system?
18 MAR stands for ___________
19 A step in waterfall model that involves a meeting with the customer to understand the requirements
20 The 10s complement of 562 is __________
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