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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 16

Question. In this type of VR environment, the three-dimensional scene is considered as a part of the physical environment.
(A) Immersive
(B) Semi immersive
(C) Non immersive
(D) Augmented
Answer : Non immersive

1 A field of technology that deals with a combination of real world and the data generated from computer.
2 . The unattended interactive information systems such as automatic teller machine or ATM is called as _________
3 Process of evaluating a system to verify whether or not it is meeting its objectives.
4 What is correct instruction if you want the control to go to the location 2000h?
5 Which of the following is the correct representation of a binary number?
6 Which of the following isn’t a part of the file directory?
7 A basic unit of object-oriented programming.
8 Which of the following should describe the technical terms used in the document?
9 Which of the following is a valid encoding format?
10 Magnetic tape is a type of _________ access device.
11 What will be the value obtained after multiplication of (-2) * (-3) using Booth’s Algorithm?
12 ______ generation of computer started with using vacuum tubes as the basic components.
13 Brain of computer is ____________
14 Which of the following is a common testing conducted by the developers?
15 The functions of execution and sequencing are performed by using ______________
16 A dedicated website for providing specialized information in a particular field.
17 What do you call a program in execution?
18 Which of the following type of computer is mostly used for automatic operations?
19 The devices that used to give single or multiple colored images and drawings are ____________
20 A type of technique in which dumb terminals are connected to a central computer system.
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