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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 18

Question. A term used in the context of web design to suggest the path that user takes while browsing a website.
(A) navigation
(B) identification
(C) graphics media
(D) casting
Answer : navigation

1 Name the device that converts text information into spoken sentences.
2 A parallelism based on increasing processor word size.
3 Executables might be called ________
4 A guideline for the OSS licenses other than the GPL.
5 The graphical models showing the relationships between the system and its environment
6 The EBCDIC is mainly used in ___________
7 What do you call a technical person who is capable of understanding the basic requirements?
8 WTLS stands for?
9 PNG is a _________
10 These devices provide a means of communication between a computer and outer world.
11 The 1’s complement of 1 in 4 bits is __________
12 SCM stands for __________
13 A speech synthesis model which tries to model the human speech production mechanisms is _________
14 The devices that used to give single or multiple colored images and drawings are ____________
15 Any electronic holding place where data can be stored and retrieved later whenever required is ____________
16 The users must agree to the _______ terms and agreements when they use an open source software.
17 The first neural network computer.
18 ____________ begins with lower case letters.
19 A transmission mode that can transmit data in both the directions but transmits in only one direction at a time.
20 Speech Synthesis method based on the generation of periodic and non-periodic signals is ____________
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