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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 17

Question. Another name for base is __________
(A) root
(B) radix
(C) entity
(D) median
Answer : radix

1 Which of the following is not an example of system software?
2 Which of the following is not a type of optical disk?
3 Graphic object composed of patterns of lines, points, circles etc.
4 Which of the following is not a characteristic of a computer?
5 Input Devices that use a special ink that contains magnetizable particles of iron oxide are ____
6 Which of the following are the input devices that enable direct data entry into a computer system from source documents?
7 The formal grammar rules governing the construction of valid instruction.
8 Methodology in which project management processes were step-by step.
9 Number of regions of the disk in a UNIX files management system.
10 A set of libraries that provide programmatically access to some kind of graphics 2D functions.
11 What does USB stand for?
12 Which of the following is used in EBCDIC?
13 Producing graphical representations for scientific, engineering, and medical data sets.
14 The 2’s complement of 5 is ______________
15 Convert the binary equivalent 10101 to its decimal equivalent.
16 Telephone networks operate in this mode.
17 What does SVGA stand for?
18 Files that maintain the hierarchical structure of the file system.
19 ___________ animation is used to animate things that are smaller than life size.
20 A numeric data analysis tool that allows us to create a computerized ledger.
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