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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 25

Question. ___________ is an emerging branch in computer science, which interprets means and method of making computers think like human beings.
(A) Block chain
(B) VR
(C) AI
(D) Cloud computing
Answer : AI

1 Which of the following is independent of the address bus?
2 Executables might be called ________
3 The portion of the processor which contains the hardware required to fetch the operations is _______
4 A piece of information which is sent along with the data to the source computer.
5 In the instruction ADD A, B, the answer gets stored in ___________
6 __________________ is a straightforward method of representing positive and negative numbers.
7 Any electronic holding place where data can be stored and retrieved later whenever required is ____________
8 Which of the following is a myth in testing?
9 The purpose of communication system is to transfer information from _______ to the destination
10 Convert (6532)8 to hexadecimal
11 ____________ is basically a form of pictorial presentation.
12 A characteristic of an entity.
13 Wi-Fi stands for?
14 Which of the following isn’t a characteristic of High level languages?
15 Which of the following is a technique that marked the beginning of computer communications?
16 Which of the following isnt a level of abstraction?
17 Graphic object composed of patterns of lines, points, circles etc.
18 RMI stands for?
19 In HTML the tags that tell the browser how to display the page.
20 The operation that does not involves clock cycles is ____________
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