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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 24

Question. ULSI stands for?
(A) Ultra Large Scale Integration
(B) Under Lower Scale Integration
(C) Ultra Lower Scale Integration
(D) Under Large Scale Integration
Answer : Ultra Large Scale Integration

1 Name the device that converts text information into spoken sentences.
2 The delimiter in a FORTRAN code.
3 A box that can represent two different conditions.
4 ____________ is basically a form of pictorial presentation.
5 Which of the following part of a processor contains the hardware necessary to perform all the operations required by a computer?
6 FTP stands for?
7 HLL stands for?
8 The architecture that uses a tighter coupling between the compiler and the processor is ____________
9 XML stands for?
10 This type of computer is mostly used for automatic operations.
11 A method used to temporarily release time for other threads.
12 What kind of a flag is the sign flag?
13 Which of the following is a myth in testing?
14 Which of the following is not a function of the Output Unit?
15 Components that operate at the network layer of the OSI model.
16 An example of a web design OSS.
17 Which of the following is used for binary multiplication?
18 . The input machine which originated in the United States around 1880s is a ___________
19 A term that defines the direction of flow of information between devices.
20 The Excess-3 representation of (0100)BCD is __________
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