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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 17

Question. The signed magnitude for -3 will be ___________
(A) 10000011
(B) 00000011
(C) 11111101
(D) 11111100
Answer : 00000011

1 Security features that control that can access resources in the OS.
2 Which is the device used for converting maps, pictures and drawings into digital form for storage in computers?
3 If Booths Multiplication is performed on the numbers 22*3 then what is 3 referred to as __________
4 A simple technique of X-ray photography.
5 Which of the following processor has a fixed length of instructions?
6 The web works on this model.
7 The weights used in Binary coded decimal code are:
8 The smallest unit of data in computer is ________________
9 The representation of the number 8 in binary in ASCII-8 format _________
10 Which of the following character is available in EBCDIC but not in ASCII?
11 FTP stands for?
12 You can expand the memory of some PDAs with ________ that can be inserted into the PDA.
13 Which of the following is not a positional number system?
14 The physical devices of a computer
15 This describes the objectives of a product and set out the constraints.
16 PDA stands for?
17 Tape drive is connected to and controlled by _______
18 *@Ac# is a type of ________________ data.
19 Hexadecimal Addition of (3A5)16 and (1B2)16 will give :
20 Which of the following is not a type of browser?
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