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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 26

Question. A middleware layer between the stub skeleton and transport.
(A) remote laye
(B) instruction layer
(C) reference layer
(D) remote reference layer
Answer : remote reference layer

1 Which of these is a part of network identification?
2 This type of computer is mostly used for automatic operations.
3 A basic unit of object-oriented programming.
4 A topology that involves Tokens.
5 _____________ enables the migration of the virtual image from one physical machine to another
6 Process of evaluating a system to verify whether or not it is meeting its objectives.
7 What do you call a technical person who is capable of understanding the basic requirements?
8 Each personal computer has a _________ that manages the computers arithmetical logical and control activities.
9 The probability of failure-free operation of a software application in a specified environment for a specified time.
10 Which of the following is not an advantage of a flowchart?
11 . Who is the father of Computers?
12 Obtaining services from a rapidly evolving group of internet users __________
13 FDM stands for?
14 What does FORTRAN stands for?
15 The EBCDIC code for the character A is ______________
16 Which of the following is not a type of number system?
17 _______________ is the assembly language for an imaginary architecture.
18 A digitizer converts __________ input into digital input.
19 The first widely-used high level language developed in 1957.
20 A process selects a replacement frame from the set of all frames.
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