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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 22

Question. Select the incorrect option:
(A) (101)10 = (1100101)2
(B) C represents 12
(C) G is valid in hexadecimal system.
(D) The base of a decimal number system is 10.
Answer : G is valid in hexadecimal system.

1 Another notation for exponentiation.
2 Word length of a personal computer ___________
3 Any electronic holding place where data can be stored and retrieved later whenever required is ____________
4 Which of the following is designed to control the operations of a computer?
5 Which of the following is not a part of a digitizer?
6 An attack in which the user receives unwanted amount of e-mails.
7 Write the decimal equivalent for (110001)BCD.
8 A technique that can be a solution to the problem of synchronizing data sources.
9 A glue between client and server parts of application.
10 Allows the user to create and maintain a personal list of favorite URL addresses.
11 A group of bits used to represent a symbol is called a ____________
12 Which of the following processor has a fixed length of instructions?
13 When an algorithm is written in the form of a programming language, it becomes a _________
14 Which of the following statements should be used to obtain a remainder after dividing 3.14 by 2.1 ?
15 Which of the following computers are lower than mainframe computers in terms of speed and storage capacity?
16 A software that lies between the OS and the applications running on it.
17 ____________ storage is a system where a robotic arm will connect or disconnect off-line mass storage media according to the computer operating system demands.
18 What does b represent in a processor wait ratio?
19 A model that is the demo implementation of the system.
20 Which are the input devices that enable direct data entry into a computer system from source documents?
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