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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 20

Question. The first neural network computer.
(C) AM
(D) AN
Answer : SNARC

1 CHAP stands for?
2 The participating computers in a network are referred to as:
3 PCI stands for _________
4 A type of parallelism that uses micro architectural techniques.
5 Storage of firmware is ___________
6 A methodology used to develop behavior-based autonomous agents.
7 invention of _______________ gave birth to the much cheaper micro computers.
8 The time that depends on the input: an already sorted sequence that is easier to sort.
9 Set of a program which consists of full documentation.
10 ______________ define how the locations can be used.
11 A layer which is the binary data protocol layer
12 ASCII stands for _____________________
13 Which of the following is the correct abbreviation of COMPUTER?
14 A piece of information which is sent along with the data to the source computer.
15 A _________ partitions a web browser window so that multiple web documents can be displayed simultaneously.
16 A process of making the encrypted text readable again.
17 An image editor similar to Adobe Photoshop.
18 The ______level helps application programs hide the details of data types.
19 Which of the following is not involved in working of IoT?
20 What does USB stand for?
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