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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 18

Question. The performance of an agent can be improved based on this.
(A) Observe
(B) Learn
(C) Improvise
(D) Implement
Answer : Implement

1 JIT stands for?
2 The Victorian internet is actually?
3 An approach that designs test cases by looking at the allowable data values.
4 ___________ is a step in which design is translated into machine-readable form.
5 A numeric data analysis tool that allows us to create a computerized ledger.
6 CISC stands for ____________
7 A person who designs the programs in a software package is called
8 Which of the following isn’t a type of transmission mode?
9 Input Devices that use a special ink that contains magnetizable particles of iron oxide are ____
10 The IEEE standard followed by almost all the computers for floating point arithmetic _____
11 What is the hexadecimal equivalent of the digit 9?
12 ___________ Conducted at customers site.
13 An electronic document that establishes your credentials when you are performing transactions.
14 Examination of the program step by step is called ______________
15 This determines the type of protocol to be used.
16 A modulation technique that improves channel bandwidth utilization.
17 The process of verifying the identity of a user.
18 The smallest unit of data in computer is ________________
19 Any computer that can access the server is called?
20 LRU stands for?
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