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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 21

Question. __________ represents a particular instance of a class.
(A) module
(B) block
(C) object
(D) token
Answer : object

1 __________ represents a particular instance of a class.
2 A network of physical objects or things embedded with electronics or softwares.
3 An indirect form of surveillance.
4 Which of the following is created when a user opens an account in the computer system?
5 In HTML the tags that tell the browser how to display the page.
6 Which of the following is capable of recognizing a pre-specified type of mark by pencil or pen?
7 What do we call the point(decimal) in any hexadecimal number of the form 111.A3?
8 Secondary memory is the long term store for programs and data while main memory holds program and data currently in use. What kind of an organization is this?
9 The program written by the programmer in high level language is called _____________
10 A term for simultaneous access to a resource, physical or logical.
11 What do you call a specific instruction designed to do a task?
12 Which of the following is not a visible register?
13 Object=_________+relationships.
14 A technique that marked the beginning of computer communications.
15 In FORTRAN, the declarations of variables can be modified using the _____ parameter.
16 The process of forming a new class from an existing class.
17 Any set of digits or alphabets are generally referred as ______________
18 Which of the following invention gave birth to the much cheaper microcomputers?
19 A hardware based system that has autonomy, social ability and reactivity.
20 _________________ defines the assigned ordering among the characters used by the computer.
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