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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 23

Question. Locating or identifying the bugs is known as ___________
(A) Design
(B) Testing
(C) Debugging
(D) Coding
Answer : Testing

1 An example of a web design OSS.
2 ___________________ is designed to solve a specific problem or to do a specific task.
3 A process selects a replacement frame from the set of all frames.
4 The information that gets transformed in encryption is ____________
5 Which of the following is the brain of the computer?
6 A transmission mode that can transmit data in both the directions but transmits in only one direction at a time.
7 h command gives ___________
8 Examination of the program step by step is called ______________
9 D in COBOL stands for _________
10 What does PC stand for?
11 Semicolon is used after
12 What does S denote in a picture clause?
13 The result of 0 – 1 in binary is ______________
14 Set of a program which consists of full documentation.
15 The storage capacity of an optical disk is given by:
16 The generation based on VLSI microprocessor.
17 Several instructions execution simultaneously in?
18 The protocol designed to make the security of wireless LAN as good as that of wired LAN.
19 _____________ enables the migration of the virtual image from one physical machine to another
20 Which of the following is the correct representation of a binary number?
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