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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 28

Question. ___________ is a step in which design is translated into machine-readable form.
(A) Design
(B) Conversion
(C) Debugging
(D) Coding
Answer : Coding

1 The symbol denotes _______
2 A program that can retrieve files from the world wide web and render text images or sounds encoded in the files.
3 ________________ is also called auxiliary storage.
4 The web works on this model.
5 Which of the following processor has a fixed length of instructions?
6 An encryption technique with 2 keys is ______________
7 A level that describes data stored in a database and the relationships among the data.
8 Convert (5401)8 to hexadecimal.
9 An example of e-mail utility.
10 Face recognition system is based on _____________
11 A Fortran is not ___________
12 SCM stands for __________
13 The hexadecimal representation of 14 is _______________
14 Allocated size of a file comes under?
15 A topology is a modified version of the basic star topology.
16 The value of base in a decimal number system is ____________
17 This characteristic often draws the line between what is feasible and what is impossible.
18 An attack in which the user receives unwanted amount of e-mails.
19 Which of the following are physical devices of a computer?
20 Which of the following uses multiple hard disk platters mounted on a single central shift?
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