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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 95

Question. The customer requirements are broken down into logical modules for ease of _______________
(A) inheritance
(B) design
(C) editing
(D) implementation
Answer : implementation

1 A glue between client and server parts of application.
2 Which of the following package allows individuals to use personal computers for storing and retrieving their personal information?
3 PDA stands for?
4 The memory implemented using the semiconductor chips is _________
5 The ______level helps application programs hide the details of data types.
6 Each byte of character is stored as its ASCII value in _______
7 ________________applies techniques to modify or interpret existing pictures such as photographs and TV scans.
8 Spreadsheets cannot
9 CLV stands for, in terms of rotation of the optical disk ___
10 DARPA stands for?
11 The analysis of _________ is a process of deconstruction that investigates the operations of texts, their constructions, the ways they produce meanings, what those meanings may be.
12 CHAP stands for?
13 A term that defines the direction of flow of information between devices.
14 ____________ begins with lower case letters.
15 Creating a computer or paper audit that can help detect wrong doings.
16 The binary equivalent of the decimal number 10 is __________
17 ______________ is used to show hierarchy in a pseudo code.
18 A data structure that follows the FIFO principle.
19 A symbol used for grouping.
20 TCP stands for?
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