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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 18

Question. Technologies that allow the user to see the real world, with virtual objects composited in the real world.
(A) AR
(B) VR
(C) AI
(D) SR
Answer : AR

1 Programming based on stepwise refinement process.
2 A tag similar to that of the bold tag.
3 The tracks are divided into sectors whose size _______
4 What does BCD stand for?
5 The word ____________comes from the name of a Persian mathematician Abu Ja’far Mohammed ibn-i Musa al Khowarizmi.
6 What will be the value obtained after multiplication of (-2) * (-3) using Booth’s Algorithm?
7 MIPS stands for?
8 If M denotes the number of memory locations and N denotes the word size, then an expression that denotes the storage capacity is ______________
9 An example of e-mail utility.
10 A simple technique of X-ray photography.
11 Source program is compiled to an intermediate form called ___________
12 What is NaN in IEEE standards?
13 What does FORTRAN stands for?
14 Which of the following is independent of the address bus?
15 FDM stands for?
16 In text documents, a structure which stays the same no matter how the document is represented.
17 What does b represent in a processor wait ratio?
18 Each byte of character is stored as its ASCII value in _______
19 A person who enjoys learning details about computers and how to enhance their capabilities.
20 In this generation Time sharing, Real time, Networks, Distributed Operating System was used
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