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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 27

Question. A cipher in which the order is not preserved.
(A) Polyalphabetic substitution based
(B) Transposition-based
(C) Substitution based
(D) Public key based
Answer : Transposition-based

1 A technique of transmitting data or images or videos (information) using a continuous signal
2 Java extension used in threads?
3 Controlling the frequency is referred as _________
4 ULSI stands for?
5 In this type of VR environment, the subjects can perform both in the real and virtual environment.
6 Which of the following isn’t a phase of digitization?
7 The zone of alphabetic characters from A to O in ASCII is _____________
8 CISC stands for ____________
9 A package that allows individuals to use personal computers for storing and retrieving their personal information.
10 A technique that enables light field which is generally the product of a light source scattered off objects.
11 Which of the following is not a flowchart structure?
12 >> operator is used to denote _________
13 Causing the CPU to step through a series of micro operations is called _________
14 Process of evaluating a system to verify whether or not it is meeting its objectives.
15 DARPA stands for?
16 TCP stands for?
17 Which of the following is designed to control the operations of a computer?
18 The octal equivalent of the binary number (0010010100)2 is ______________
19 Face recognition system is based on _____________
20 PNG is a _________
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