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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 23

Question. A small program that changes the way a computer operates.
(A) Worm
(B) Trojan
(C) Bomb
(D) Virus
Answer : Virus

1 Causing the CPU to step through a series of micro operations is called _________
2 What is responsible for creating a process from a program?
3 A Borland Turbo Assembler.
4 The 10s complement of 562 is __________
5 DES stands for?
6 The portion of the processor which contains the hardware required to fetch the operations is _______
7 A ______________is an application that allows the user to compose and edit simple documents.
8 New CPU whose instruction set includes the instruction set of its predecessor CPU is said to be ___________ with its predecessor.
9 A communication between a computer and a keyboard involves ____________ duplex transmission
10 Which of the following is independent of the address bus?
11 The 16’s complement of 74E will be __________
12 FDM stands for?
13 A unique piece of information that is used in encryption.
14 Which of the following is not a basic data type in C language?
15 The users must agree to the _______ terms and agreements when they use an open source software.
16 A small data file in the browser.
17 Which of the following Techniques are used to optimize field services?
18 A person who designs the programs in a software package is called
19 A piece of information which is sent along with the data to the source computer.
20 MAR stands for ___________
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