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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 20

Question. A program created by Farmer and Venema for auditing capability.
Answer : SATAN

1 Which of the following is not a type of computer on the basis of operation?
2 Any computer that can access the server is called?
3 Which of the following is not a character of the digit 1110?
4 __________________ refers to the logical structuring of records.
5 An interface that is implemented while using threads.
6 Public domain software is usually __________
7 This cycle, of going through __________ states of running and input/output, may be repeated over and over until the job is completed.
8 CPU has built-in ability to execute a particular set of machine instructions, called as __________
9 Numbers used in packed decimal format can be used for _____________ operations.
10 The carrier wave is a _________
11 A Borland Turbo Assembler.
12 This concept allows routines to use data again at different times.
13 In this type of multiplexing time slots are preassigned to sources and fixed.
14 A section in HTML that contains generic information about the document.
15 A programming technique in which the focus is on doing things.
16 A transmission mode that can transmit data in both the directions but transmits in only one direction at a time.
17 ______________ keep track of position.
18 Binary addition of 1 + 1 gives the result _____________
19 What are the entities whose values can be changed called?
20 A typical __________ program obtains a remote reference to one or more remote objects on a server and then invokes methods on them.
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