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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 19

Question. What could be the maximum value of a single digit in an octal number system?
(A) 8
(B) 7
(C) 6
(D) 5
Answer : 7

1 A _______ is a connector showing the relationship between the representative shapes.
2 ______________ is done in the development phase by the developers.
3 The field that covers a variety of computer networks both public and private, that are used in everyday jobs.
4 In this type of multiplexing time slots are preassigned to sources and fixed.
5 Brain of computer is ____________
6 A term used in the context of web design to suggest the path that user takes while browsing a website.
7 The 9’s complement of 6578 is ___________
8 A technique that marked the beginning of computer communications.
9 Which of the following is not a part of a digitizer?
10 The default character coding in HTML-5 is _____________
11 Allows the user to create and maintain a personal list of favorite URL addresses.
12 ASCII stands for _____________________
13 The number of characters that can be represented in ASCII-8 are ______________
14 MAR stands for ___________
15 He made the first animated film in 1906.
16 Which of the following isn’t a characteristic of High level languages?
17 Binary Coding for the letter X is ______________
18 Processor wait ratio is given by ________
19 A network comprising o multiple topologies.
20 The BCD representation of (34)10 is _______________
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