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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 20

Question. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a computer?
(A) Versatility
(B) Accuracy
(C) Diligence
(D) I.Q.
Answer : I.Q.

1 *@Ac# is a type of ________________ data.
2 _________ are the web-based interactive applications to express and share your ideas and thoughts with interested people.
3 If you are given a word of size n bits the range of 2s complement of binary numbers is ________
4 Which of the following isn’t a phase of digitization?
5 __________ describes the effect of involving the reader with the story, of constructing it as truth.
6 A malicious code hidden inside a seemingly harmless piece of code.
7 Which of the following is used in EBCDIC?
8 Interpreter is used as a translator for?
9 What does BCD stand for?
10 A program that copies itself.
11 Which of the following is not an advantage of a flowchart?
12 What does the symbol D represent in a hexadecimal number system?
13 The IEEE standard followed by almost all the computers for floating point arithmetic _____
14 An interface that is implemented while using threads.
15 Which of the following is not a type of computer code?
16 A technique of transmitting data or images or videos (information) using a continuous signal
17 Which of the following does not come under text analysis?
18 The files that appear as entries in the directories.
19 ____________ operate at bottom two layers of the OSI model.
20 In this technique, there is a link between subscriber and network and a local loop.
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