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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 24

Question. Convert (5401)8 to hexadecimal.
(A) A01
(B) A02
(C) B01
(D) C01
Answer : B01

1 . A tag similar to that of the italic tag.
2 A system of interlinked documents, websites, portals etc. accessed through the Internet.
3 Speech Synthesis method based on the generation of periodic and non-periodic signals is ____________
4 Which is not a data type in COBOL?
5 What do you call testing individual components?
6 DNS stands for?
7 The storage capacity of an optical disk is given by:
8 The software substituted for hardware and stored in ROM.
9 The typical value of data transfer rate is __________
10 Saas stands for?
11 DES stands for?
12 Batch processing was mainly used in this generation.
13 The physical devices of a computer
14 Which of the following are physical devices of a computer?
15 ______computers are lower to mainframe computers in terms of speed and storage capacity.
16 A technique in which a program attacks a network by exploiting IP broadcast addressing operations
17 The number of sign bits in a 32-bit IEEE format _________
18 A method used to force one thread to wait for another thread to finish.
19 __________ analysis regards texts as collections of signs or paradigms and possible meanings, operating within the bounds of various codes.
20 A model that is the demo implementation of the system.
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