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One Word Part-11 Genral Knowledge Question and Answer

Here is the selective and important English Grammer question with answers of for all types of competitive exams. all these questions every Police Jobs, Railway Jobs, Forest Department Jobs, Teaching Job, Lecture, Education Jobs is important for preparation. So these questions are for your practice.

Question. 1 - Branch of physics dealing with very low temperature.
(A) Eccentric
(B) Flux
(C) Gastronomy
(D) Cryogenics
Answer : Cryogenics
Question. 2 - An extreme or irrational fear of the night or of darkness
(A) Menemophobia
(B) Thanatophobia
(C) Triskaidekaphobia
(D) Nyctophobia
Answer : Nyctophobia
Question. 3 - Centre of attraction.
(A) Cynosure
(B) Lass
(C) Custodian
(D) Matron
Answer : Cynosure
Question. 4 - One who makes calculations connected with insurance
(A) Dictator
(B) Actuary
(C) Mentor
(D) Curator
Answer : Actuary
Question. 5 - Clues available at a scene
(A) Suggestive
(B) Derivative
(C) Circumstantial
(D) Inferential
Answer : Circumstantial
Question. 6 - The study or collection of coins
(A) Nymphomania
(B) Numismatics
(C) Numerology
(D) Numeric
Answer : Numismatics
Question. 7 - An irrational and intense fear of travel.
(A) Gnosiophobia
(B) Podophobia
(C) Ombrophobia
(D) Hodophobia
Answer : Hodophobia
Question. 8 - Incapable of being seen through
(A) Brittle
(B) Opaque
(C) Ductile
(D) Transparent
Answer : Opaque
Question. 9 - The Study of Ancient Societies
(A) History
(B) Archaeology
(C) Anthropology
(D) Entymology
Answer : Archaeology
Question. 10 - One who is well versed in any subject a critical judge of any art particularly fine arts.
(A) Litterateur
(B) Itinerate
(C) Altruist
(D) Connoisseur
Answer : Connoisseur
Here is the selective and important English Grammer question with answers of for all types of competitive exams. all these questions every Police Jobs, Railway Jobs, Forest Department Jobs, Teaching Job, Lecture, Education Jobs is important for preparation. So these questions are for your practice.

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