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One Word Part-51 Genral Knowledge Question and Answer

Here is the selective and important English Grammer question with answers of for all types of competitive exams. all these questions every Police Jobs, Railway Jobs, Forest Department Jobs, Teaching Job, Lecture, Education Jobs is important for preparation. So these questions are for your practice.

Question. 1 - Teetotaller means
(A) One who abstains from theft
(B) One who abstains from meat
(C) One who abstains from taking wine
(D) One who abstains from malice
Answer : One who abstains from taking wine
Question. 2 - The custom or practice of having more than one husband at same time
(A) Polygyny
(B) Polyphony
(C) Polyandry
(D) Polychromy
Answer : Polyandry
Question. 3 - Malafide case is one
(A) Which is undertaken in a good faith
(B) Which is undertaken in a bad faith
(C) Which is undertaken after a long delay
(D) Which is not undertaken at all
Answer : Which is undertaken in a bad faith
Question. 4 - Words inscribed on tomb
(A) Epitome
(B) Epistle
(C) Epilogue
(D) Epitaph
Answer : Epitaph
Question. 5 - One who possesses many talents
(A) Versatile
(B) Nubile
(C) Exceptional
(D) Gifted
Answer : Versatile
Question. 6 - A person who knows many foreign languages
(A) Linguist
(B) Grammarian
(C) Polyglot
(D) Bilingual
Answer : Linguist
Question. 7 - A prima facie case is such
(A) As it seems at first sight
(B) As it is made to seem at first sight
(C) As it turns out to be at the end
(D) As it seems to the court after a number of hearings
Answer : As it is made to seem at first sight
Question. 8 - List of the business or subjects to be considered at a meeting
(A) Schedule
(B) Timetable
(C) Agenda
(D) Plan
Answer : Agenda
Question. 9 - State in which the few govern the many
(A) Monarchy
(B) Oligarchy
(C) Plutocracy
(D) Autocracy
Answer : Oligarchy
Question. 10 - A person of good understanding knowledge and reasoning power
(A) Expert
(B) Intellectual
(C) Snob
(D) Literate
Answer : Intellectual
Here is the selective and important English Grammer question with answers of for all types of competitive exams. all these questions every Police Jobs, Railway Jobs, Forest Department Jobs, Teaching Job, Lecture, Education Jobs is important for preparation. So these questions are for your practice.

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